Copenhagen Jazz Festival July
Copenhagen Jazz Festival is an annual event that takes place in Copenhagen. The festival pays tribute to the freedom of jazz music as a art form and its treatment of musical aesthetics. From 1979 and until the 90s the festival has grown at a steady pace, recently it has featured more than 100 venues, 1100 concerts and approximately 260,000 guests making it one of the largest music events in Europe attracting a broad international audience. Musicians who have performed at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival include Sonny Rollins, Oscar Peterson, Ray Charles and Michel Petrucciani.
Mail / Postal address:
Copenhagen Jazz Festival,
Sankt Peders Stræde 28C, 2. sal,
1453 København K
Roskilde Festival June-July
Roskilde Festival is the largest North European culture and music festival and has existed since 1971. It is held south of Roskilde in Denmark. Since 1972 Roskilde Festival has run as a non-profit organization ensuring profits are donated directly to the development and support of music, cultural and humanitarian purposes. Originally as one of Denmark's real music-oriented, today it attracts more of the mainstream youth from Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. Bob Marley played at Roskilde Festival in 1978, Talking Heads in 1979, U2 in 1982, Metallica in 1986 and Radiohead in 1997 to mention a few. Roskilde has again and again demonstrated that it is the place to experience new, sprouting names, contemporary stars and timeless legends.
For many years it was a tradition that the campsite opened the last Sunday of June, but in 2010 the festival opened Saturday instead. The early opening of the campsite, gives the festival guests plenty of time to settle in. The festival officially starts the following Thursday and lasts for 4 days.
Mail / Postal address: Roskilde Festival,
Havsteensvej 11,
DK-4000 Roskilde,
E-mail: info@roskilde-festival.dk
 Bruce Springsteen performing at Roskilde Festivals Orange Stage Photo by Bill Ebbesen
Copenhagen Distortion May-June
Copenhagen Distortion takes place in the streets of Copenhagen, Denmark, and in dozens of unusual locations around city. The festival has always been a leader in the field of using urban spaces. In 2011, Distortion became a flagship event for Copenhagen as a modern city and for Scandinavia's progressive society, with over 130,000 people attending. The festival's cultural focus is on club culture, dance music, street life, contemporary art and Copenhagen's independent media. The event features 166+ dance floors in 166+ different locations and 166+ different hosts. The music selection is sharp and upfront with a high energy atmosphere. Hot Chip, Simian Mobile Disco, Spank Rock and Sebastien Tellier have all played in the past.
Mail / Postal address: Distortion,
Studiestraede 13D, 2.
1455 Copenhagen K
E-mail: info@cphdistortion.dk
NorthSide Festival JuneNorthSide Festival is held every year in June at Ådalen in Aarhus, Denmark. The first festival was first held 2010 and it has grown from a one-day event to a three-day festival. The festival has a unique musical profile with a strong focus on innovation. Originally the festival launched as a one day event with five Danish Acts ( (Nephew, Turboweekend, Mew, Selvmord, and Veto) however it the second edition expanded and featured acts such as Band of Horses, Suede, White Lies, Interpol, and Elbow. In 2012 it expanded even further into a three day event featuring an even stronger line-up of national and international acts such as The Stone Roses, Justice, Kasabian, Snow Patrol, Garbage, James Blake, The XX, The Hives, The Kooks and Emeli Sandé to name a few.
The festival is located near the centre of Aarhus, approximately 2 km from the central train station, on the lovely green area called Ådalen at Søren Frichs Vej and Huginsvej.
Mail / Postal address: NorthSide Festival,
Vestergade 5, 3 sal,
DK-8000 Aarhus C
E-mail: info@northside.dk
 Aalborg Carnival, Battle of Carnival Bands 2012
Aalborg Carnival MayAalborg Carnival is the name for the annual cultural event carnival in the city of Aalborg. The carnival takes place the last week in May and is the largest carnival in Scandinavia. The Aalborg Carnival stands for a week has 3 main carnival events: The Grand Parade, Battle of Carnival Bands and Children’s Carnival. The Grand Parade is a carnival event that attracts about 100,000 people to the streets of Aalborg each year. About 15 professional carnival groups from all over the world open the parade and following them are thousands of people dressed out, dancing and celebrating life. People can listen to live music, dance, see carnival shows and much more.
Mail / Postal address: Aalborg Carnival, Huset
Hasserisgade 10,
Postboks 1341,
9100 Aalborg
E-mail: info@karnevaliaalborg.dk
Aarhus Festival August-September
Aarhus Festival represents a yearly arts and culture festival in the city of Aarhus, Denmark. Aarhus Denmark is the country's bohemian capital, a town known most for its high student population and thriving arts scene. The festival is among the largest cultural events in Scandinavia and showcases local, national and international artists. For 10 days every year in August - September the streets and alleys, clubs, stages, galleries and museums of Aarhus are teeming with entertainment and events. Since it was established in 1965 the festival has become one of the largest themed festivals in northern Europe. Every year there is a new theme for the festival and exhibitions and venues are planned accordingly. In 2009, the theme was "The Future Is Near!” in 2010 the theme was "Neighbours" and in 2011 it was "Beautiful Mistakes". The festival features subjects ranging from dance, theatre, exhibitions, classical and rhythmic concerts, opera, children's culture, sport and entertainment.
Mail / Postal address: Aarhus Festival / Aarhus Festuge,
Vester Allé 3,
DK - 8000 Aarhus C
E-mail: mail@aarhusfestuge.dk
 Aarhus Festival, Denmark
Aarhus Food Festival September
Aarhus Food Festival is a gathering point for everyone interested in food, a place where you will be entertained and challenged. The Food Festival is going to be the biggest event around in food culture in all of Scandinavia. Aarhus gathers some of the best Danish breeders, growers and chefs who aspire to create high quality food. Those attending will have a chance to buy good food and participate in various activities. You can visit the cabbage or salad workshop where you will have a chance to experiment with new mixes and taste combinations within the plant kingdom. Or watch the Danish national confectioner team create beautiful cakes and see if you can achieve similar results. There are special activities for children, a chefs contest scene, where young chefs can battle and unfold their skills and an area with cooking classes where everyone, from beginners or amateur chefs to the highly trained master chefs can develop their skills and get new inspiration.
Mail / Postal address: Food Festival,
Mejlgade 43a,
8000 Aarhus C
T: +45 53 53 00 55
Copenhagen International Literature Festival
Copenhagen International Literature Festival presents some of the highest quality fiction and poetry staged in readings, conversations, drama, music, documentaries, and film. The festival opened in 2008 in Huset in Magstræde in central Copenhagen with more than 100 Danish and international artists appearing. Since then the festival has featured more than 350 writers and other artists who have performed on seven different stages in the heart of Copenhagen. Additionally, the festival has made an effort to present quality literature via drama, film, and music. Thus, in the first three years the festival has also been visited by a number of musicians, playwrights and actors.
Mr. Ivan Rod, artistic lead:
ivanrod@cphlitt.dk T: +45 53 53 00 55